Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing there is a field. I’ll meet you there. -Rumi

Jennifer Aldrich-Boyle
Hello! I’m Jennifer Boyle, raised in beautiful Marquette, Michigan, surrounded by nature. I’ve recently learned to appreciate my surroundings and reflect on my life and relationships, especially with my father, whose passing made me realize how little I knew him.
This prompted me to seek growth and healing and pursue certifications in holistic wellness.
I’m passionate about the mind-body-spirit connection and I believe that natural healing brings balance. All healing is self-healing. We all have the answers we need for our personal journey within us. Because we are all a part of the collective whole, we all have access to the infinite knowledge within, a universal life force that flows through all of us, connecting us to each other and the whole. You may know this infinite wisdom as God, the Holy Spirit, Krishna, chi, or prana- whatever you call it, we all have access to this beautiful state of being.
Unfortunately, we often don’t know how to listen for the answers within. We have been conditioned to seek answers outside of us, therefore giving away our personal power. Once we learn how to access the answers we seek, we can choose to respond from a different place and find what resonates for us.
As an Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner with a BS in Community Health Education, I create a compassionate space for self-empowerment and transformation. I believe we continue to grow throughout our lives in the Earthly realm. I would be honored to support you on your path, raising our vibrations and contributing to a collective shift.
I aim to turn suffering into strength, foster personal growth, and continually enhance knowledge and compassion. We all have the ability to self-heal and the facility to learn how.
I believe all healing is self-healing. I offer compassionate, non-judgmental space, as well as educational, spiritual, and emotional support to all who are seeking healing and growth.
I believe in the accessibility of services to all.
Above all, I believe in causing no harm to any being and helping to ease suffering and enhance joy.
Our subconscious is where all of our long-term habits and beliefs are stored, therefore our subconscious needs to be “activated” to reach those deeply stored, conditioned ways we live. We can then implement the changes we want to make through repetition, suggestion, and affirmations.
There are many tools to help access the subconscious mind, including hypnotherapy. See our About Hypnotherapy section to find out more about how hypnotherapy works.
There are many tools to aid in fostering self-love, change, and growth. It is important to find ones that resonate with you. Tools that access the subconscious mind, such as hypnosis and meditation bring deeper and lasting changes.
Hypnotherapy is a tool that allows the client to connect with their subconscious to provoke deep and lasting changes. Other tools I provide include spiritual and transpersonal coaching, guided relaxation and imagery, mind-body awareness, present moment awareness, cultivating gratitude, tapping, aromatherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, releasing and cleansing of stagnant energies, mantras and affirmations, ceremony and blessings.
Why you?
Are you in physical or emotional pain? Do you have a habit you want to discontinue? Do you feel disconnected from life or your personal path? Do you suffer from anxiety or self-limiting beliefs? Do you wish you could react differently in certain situations?
If you feel debilitated by life and are ready to commit to creating change so you can live more authentically and joyfully, you are a good candidate for hypnotherapy.
Hypnotherapy offers relief in all those areas and more. Together you and the hypnotherapist can decide on the focus of the sessions and begin to create a personalized plan of action to begin imparting the changes you wish to see and feel in your life.
Why Me?
I am deeply passionate about holistic wellness and the mind-body-spirit connection. I'm a firm believer in natural healing methods, the power of our ability to heal ourselves, and their ability to bring balance into our lives.
Armed with a BS in Community Health Education, a diploma for Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner, and certifications in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and Transpersonal and Spiritual coaching, I offer compassionate, non-judgmental space for supporting self-empowerment and growth.
Through my own journey of self-healing, I have experienced many natural healing modalities. I found that I need to work with the tools that resonate with me. Not all tools will resonate with all people. The tools that I provide are tailored specifically to the individual, their focus, and what resonates for them.
I look forward to growing alongside you!
Perception of Stress
Everyday stress shouldn’t trigger the fight-or-flight response, but due to how we perceive stress (as explained in The Upside of Stress), many of us are stuck in this chronic state. Worrying about everyday issues, such as bills, food, housing, and work, and feeling like we can’t deal with it, keeps us in fight-or-flight mode, which over time damages the body.
When stressed, the body increases heart rate, blood pressure, and releases cortisol and adrenaline. This leads to shallow breathing, muscle tension, suppressed immune function, digestive issues, and chronic inflammation. Over time, these changes contribute to chronic health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders.
Hypnotherapy brings relief to chronic stress by guiding the body and mind into a calm, peaceful state. Hypnosis lowers heart rate and blood pressure, helping the cardiovascular system to recover from stress; encourages deep, slow breaths that increase oxygen flow to the brain and body; encourages the release of physical tension, easing tight muscles and reducing pain; enhances immune function by allowing the body to focus on healing; calms the nervous system, helping to restore normal digestive function. Clients learn how to better manage stress triggers, remaining calm and grounded in the face of challenges.